
vital building material in the body

too much protein can affect the kidneys and promote gout


Protein is the building material of the human body - of every single cell of the body, and is used in the body for building and rebuilding the cells and for the muscles. In addition to its main function as a building material, protein plays a minor role in the provision of energy.

Protein suppliers should be on the daily menu. 1 gram of protein provides 4.1 kcal. Although protein does not raise the blood sugar level, too much protein supplies hidden fats, promotes the development of gout and can put strain on the kidneys. Even people with diabetes should not consume more than 10-20% of their energy in the form of protein.


Animal protein suppliers     

  • Meat
  • Sausage
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Milk and dairy products (yoghurt, curd cheese, butter milk, sour milk, cheese, etc.)    

Vegetable protein suppliers

  • Pulses (beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, etc.)
  • Cereals
  • Potatoes
  • Nuts and seeds


The selection and combination of different protein suppliers - vegetable and animal protein - provides variety and supports an optimal protein supply.



  • Plan vegetarian days in your weekly menu
  • Consume pulses several times a week
  • Use (wholemeal) cereals, potatoes, nuts and seeds regularly
  • Consume milk and dairy products daily
  • Attention: avoid milk products with added sugar (e.g. fruit yoghurt)
  • Consume up to 3 eggs per week
  • Consume a maximum of 3 portions of meat per week (1 portion of meat or fish corresponds to a palm-sized, finger-thick piece)
  • Eat 1 - 2 portions of fish per week, alternating between lean and high-fat fish (high-fat fish, e.g. salmon, herring, mackerel, char, contain the health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Consume sausage only occasionally and in moderation